Players: 3-6
Game Time: 45 min
Ages: 10 and up
Complexity: Medium
Strategy: Medium
Luck: Low

Programming Board Game
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Colt Express is an American West themed programming board game.  What is a programming mechanic?  In programming, every player must secretly choose their next turns, and then each player plays their turns out according to the choices made. A game has the programming mechanic if it provides choice of actions, preferably several, with a mechanism of executing those actions such that things could go spectacularly or amusingly wrong, because the status of the game changed in ways one did not anticipate, or hoped would not happen, before the action is executed.

In Colt Express, you play a bandit robbing a train at the same time as other bandits, and your goal is to become the richest outlaw of the Old West. The game takes place in a 3D train in which the bandits can move from one car to another, run on the roof, punch the other bandits, shoot them, rob the passengers, or draw the Marshal out of position. The train has as many cars as the number of players, and each car is seeded with gems, bags of loot or suitcases at the start of play.

The game is considered a light weight, casual game.  It takes less than 5 minutes to learn.  The concept is simple but the game is incredibly unpredictable and fun.  There is a reason this game won the 2015 Spiel des Jahres Game of the Year award.